China Landed On The Moon And Snapped The Best-Ever Images Of The Lunar Surface
While exploring the lunar surface, China’s Chang’e 3 lander discovered a new type of moon rock, and managed to snap THOUSANDS of high-resolution images of the moon. For the first time ever, you can take a peek at the lunar surface like never before thanks to the sophisticated cameras located onboard the Chang’e 3, one of China’s most advanced lunar landers. The Lunar Mission touched down on the moon in 2013, on the region known as Mare Imbrium –where researchers believe in the distant past, actual water could have existed—making China the third country in the History of mankind to achieve a soft landing on the lunar surface, after the Soviet Union and United States of America. While the mission took place in 2013, China’s National Space Administration released thousands of the high definition images during 2015. The images however, weren’t displayed by western media due to the fact that China is used to release images in a period of one to one and a half years after received ...