
Showing posts from December, 2022

China Landed On The Moon And Snapped The Best-Ever Images Of The Lunar Surface

While exploring the lunar surface, China’s Chang’e 3 lander discovered a new type of moon rock, and managed to snap THOUSANDS of high-resolution images of the moon. For the first time ever, you can take a peek at the lunar surface like never before thanks to the sophisticated cameras located onboard the Chang’e 3, one of China’s most advanced lunar landers. The Lunar Mission touched down on the moon in 2013, on the region known as Mare Imbrium –where researchers believe in the distant past, actual water could have existed—making China the third country in the History of mankind to achieve a soft landing on the lunar surface, after the Soviet Union and United States of America. While the mission took place in 2013, China’s National Space Administration released thousands of the high definition images during 2015. The images however, weren’t displayed by western media due to the fact that China is used to release images in a period of one to one and a half years after received ...

The Odessa Radio Tower UFO Incident

Many UFO researchers who have studied it believe that the case of the hour-long sighting of a UFO over a radio tower in Odessa, Texas, in the summer of 1973 deserves more recognition in the annals of UFO History . No less important is the variety of witness accounts of the incident. In fact, the experience was not reported until the early 2000s with the advent of the Internet, when the main witness and several other witnesses (all family members) would inform UFO investigators about the incident. The encounter also took place during a year with an increase in UFO sightings. While the UFO wave of 1973 was still months away from its peak, there were frequent enough sightings in the first half of the year to keep most of America consistently looking up at the sky. One of the most striking features of the occurrence is that there appear to have been sincere and discreet measures taken to keep the incident hidden from the general public. And arguably the most...

In less than six weeks, NASA’s new Vasimr plasma engine might reach Mars

NASA recently delivered $10 million in funding to Ad Astra Rocket Company of Texas for further development of its Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR), an electromagnetic thruster proficient of propelling a spaceship to Mars in just 39 days. NASA’s funding was part of the “12 Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnership.” Ad Astra’s rocket will Travel ten times quicker than today’s chemical rockets while using one-tenth the amount of fuel. The VASIMR system would cut the trip to Mars by months according to Franklin Chang Diaz, a former MIT student, NASA astronaut, and now CEO of Ad Astra. According to Diaz, “this is like no other rocket that you may have seen in the past. It is a plasma rocket. The VASIMR Rocket is not used for launching things; it is used for things already in orbit. This is called “in-space propulsion.” VASIMR heats plasma , an electrically charged gas, to exceptionally high temperatures using radio waves. The system then offers ...

The best candidate for extraterrestrial life, TRAPPIST-1, is about to come into focus for the James Webb Space Telescope

The most studied planetary system in the Universe, after our own solar system, is around 40 light-years distant. We have observed the seven rocky exoplanets that circle the TRAPPIST-1 star using ground and space observatories including Spitzer, Kepler, and Hubble Space Telescope. NASA reported in 2017 the finding of the most Earth-sized planets discovered in the habitable zone of a single star, TRAPPIST-1. This news broke the internet. This system of seven rocky planets, each of which has the potential for water on its surface, was an intriguing finding in the quest for life on other planets. Now the most powerful space telescope ever made is about to set its sights on the TRAPPIST-1 system. James Webb Space Telescope’s Weekly observing schedules show that it will set its sights on TRAPPIST-1 tomorrow, the 20th of July. JWST’s Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) instrument will be utilized for this mission. It is very important to mention ...

Baba Vanga 2023 Predictions – From Alien Visit To Lab Babies And Many More

As the New Year approaches, we have uncovered terrible catastrophic events that Baba Vanga had predicted for the year 2023 before she passed away, and they are worth reading. Let’s take a look at the Baba Vanga 2023 predictions Baba Vanga Table of Contents Baba Vanga 2023 Predictions Change In Earth’s Orbit Solar Tsunami Bioweapons Atrocity Lab Babies Nuclear Explosion Visit From Aliens Baba Vanga 2023 Predictions Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, born on October 3, 1911, and often known as Baba Vanga, was a mystical healer and herbalist from Bulgaria. Baba Vanga spent most of her life in the Rupite area of the Kozhuh mountains in Bulgaria. She had been blind since early childhood. By the 1970s, she had gained fame in Eastern Europe due to her psychic abilities to predict future catastrophic events. Baba Vanga predicted the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Brexit, Princess Diana’s death, and Barack Obama’s presidency, all of which came true. Before her d...

After 2,000 years of soaking in hot water, 24 perfectly preserved bronze statues were discovered

ROME—The discovery of 24 perfectly-preserved bronze statues dating back to the 2nd Century B.C. at a thermal spa in Tuscany has given archeologists a rare glimpse at the past that may just “rewrite History ,” they say. The discovery was made at the San Casciano dei Bagni spa in Tuscany, which boast millennia-old natural thermal springs that attract tourists to the town to soak in the same thermal waters as emperors did. Archeologists were hoping to uncover the original thermal bath basin when they found the first hands protruding from the oozing thermal mud two weeks ago. Since then, 24 statues, including replicas of Hygieia, the goddess of health with a snake coiled on her arm, alongside Apollo and other deities, matrons and emperors, emerged. “This is the most important discovery from the Riace Bronzes and certainly one of the most significant bronzes ever made in the history of the ancient Mediterranean,” Massimo Osanna, Italy’s director general of museums for the Cu...

A gigantic 23-foot-long anaconda is discovered by a diver in a Brazilian river

This is the scary momeпt two scυba diver s have a very close eпcoυпter with the world’s largest sпake – a greeп aпacoпda. While for most of υs, this might be the most terrifyiпg experieпce ever, for Bartolomeo Bove aпd his frieпd Jυca Ygarape was a dream came trυe. They captυred the eпcoυпter oп camera, bυt for some is hard eveп to watch it. YoυTυbe/Screeпshot Bove, a professioпal diver aпd a mariпe videographer, has always beeп fasciпated by these υпderwater giaпts sυch as great white sharks or greeп aпacoпdas – kпowп as the largest sпakes iп the world. Bυt while sharks are more easier to spot, it’s extremely hard to see a greeп aпacoпda iп its пatυral habitat, as they υsυally live marshes iп Soυth America. Bυt there is oпe place oп Earth wheп they caп be spotted, aпd that’s the Braziliaп Formoso River, becaυse of its crystal clear waters. YoυTυbe/Screeпshot “The river s aпd the bodies of water aroυпd the Boпito area are the oпly places iп Soυth America where aпacoпd...

Behold! The First Direct Image Of Another “Solar System” Is What You Are Currently Viewing.

Scientists have taken the first direct picture of a solar system that is strikingly similar to our own. The new image shows two huge exoplanets orbiting a young, sun-like star about 300 light-years away. It looks more like a family portrait. The image was captured with the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory, which is located in Chile’s Atacama Desert. The newly discovered solar system will aid astronomers in better understanding how our solar system developed and evolved. The has been published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. The star, identified as TYC 8998-760-1 and found in the Southern constellation Musca, is only 17 million years old, making it a “very young version of our own sun,” according to researchers. In comparison, the sun is 4.6 billion years old. Both planets orbiting the star, named TYC 8998-760-1b and TYC 8998-760-1c, are considered to be gas giants, meaning they are mostly made up of hydrogen and helium. They are, however, much f...

The most accurate 3D map of the universe has been revealed by astronomers.

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (or DESI for short) has created the largest 3D map of the universe we’ve ever seen. DESI created the map over the course of seven months. Each month, DESI continues to build off of it. In fact, DESI is only 10 percent of the way through its proposed five-year mission. When the map is completed, it will give us a deeper look into the universe and its depth. According to  Science Alert, DESI has already managed to catalog more than 7.5 million galaxies. Additionally, it will continue adding a million new galaxies each month. When the scan finally completes in 2026, we’ll have data on more than 35 million galaxies in space. That should provide astronomers with a huge map of the universe to study and dig into. The main objective of DESI is to reveal more about the dark energy found throughout the universe. Dark energy makes up around 70 percent of the universe, and it plays a big part in speeding up its expansion. Carlos Frenk, a cosmo...

The Scary Tale Of The Dead Santa Claus By Big John

This story was published on the website of the American paranormal researcher Lon Strickler and belongs more to the category of urban legends, although its author assures that this is a completely genuine event. A very creepy and strange tale was told by Big John which described a dead Santa Claus, horrifying murder, and a strange disappearance. The Tale Of The Dead Santa Claus Strickler was sent a letter with this story back in 1998, and he published it for the upcoming Christmas and New Year. “Hello, I have a disturbing Christmas story that took place in a remote small town located on Mount Desert Island, Maine. My name is George and I have lived here all my life. I hesitate to name the town because this story may have unforeseen consequences for the residents, I know this story is true because I witnessed it. It started in early December 1960 when I was 12 years old . Every week, my mom and I went to the local store to stock up on everything we needed at the ti...

Despite their best attempts, they are unable to distinguish between a vulnerable puppy and a “dangerous” jaguar

This unusual, 8-inch long marine worm looks like something out of a nightmare — a luxury nightmare, for that matter. In the vast Southern Ocean near Antarctica, there lives a giant polynoid worm that has some really peculiar looks. The two most stand-out characteristics of  Eulagisca gigantea  are its golden-bristled abdomen and a disturbing toothy grin on what appears to be its head, making it look like the creepiest luxury item ever. As weird as it may look, research suggests it could be crucial to the Health of our ecosystems. The latin name of bristle worms (polychaetes) translates to “many small hairs”. And those hairs glitter. These guys come in a number of shapes and sizes, from round, candy-sized worms to ones that measure more than two meters in length — found in just about every color and in many different habitats, according to the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Whether Eulagisca gigantea uses its glamorous bristles as a form of transportation ...