ET hunter claims 'ominous' alien ship discovered in Mexico
UFO hunters claim to have found remarkable evidence of extraterrestrial activity after a “beetle-like” UFO was filmed over Mexico.
UFO hunters claim to have found remarkable evidence of extraterrestrial activity after a “beetle-like” UFO was filmed over Mexico.
The poor-quality clip, apparently shot in 2015, depicts an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) hovering in the sky. The matt-black object appears to be circular, with at least two limp leg-like protrusions at its base.
Without providing any evidence to corroborate his claims, ET hunter and conspiracy theorist Scott Waring believe this video was captured over Mexico City, Mexico.
Mr Waring took to his blog UFO Sightings Daily to speculate further about the origin of this supposed UFO event.
He said of the 38-second video: “The object looks like a giant black beetle.
“The details about this old sighting are vague, but the video looks real and never before have I ever seen such a UFO.

“It makes me wonder if aliens are taking their designs after things in nature.
“Nevertheless… this UFO real or not… has an ominous look about it that makes me want to step back.”
However, UFO hoax buster Scott Brando of is neither impressed by the quality of the video nor Mr Waring’s claims.
He told “As you can see, that video was taken from a screen television while playing some old footage. So, the images are not clear.

“In my opinion, that object is similar to many other mylar balloons I checked during my investigations.”
The suggestion the object is actually of human origin is given extra credence as it appears to be hanging in the air like a helium balloon, rather than being propelled by an engine.
The clip quickly generated scores of comment on Mr Waring’s YouTube channel, with the vast majority of viewers similarly unimpressed by his claims.
Edward Newgunson commented: “Looks like a balloon or a drone or something.
“The texture is off. I wish we had some clear footage of some of this stuff.”
And Stephan Rodinguest agreed, writing: “The footage is flat, has no dimensions, I think shooting from the screen television while playing some movies about UFO. “

However, at least one viewer of the strange footage appeared convinced they had just seen a UFO.
K.D. McCoy commented: “That’s no balloon! A balloon wouldn’t be that stable at that altitude! Something is going to happen soon!”
Another such anomaly was purported to have been spotted in the Mexican jungle only last month.
Amateur smartphone footage appeared to show a shiny anomaly flashing eccentrically behind some dense undergrowth in Mexico’s Hue Titan Canyon.
However, compared with recent so-called sightings, this was also of terrible quality.
The apparent incident is obviously a glare from the tropical Sun bouncing-off a highly-reflective surface beneath the tree line’s luscious green canopy.
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