A survivor in Roswell: the truth about the one who left
Don Schmitt has been one of the main investigators of the alleged UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. He and his colleagues have tracked down hundreds of witnesses who claim to have information about what happened.
When preparing Open Minds Magazine’s 2011 Roswell UFO crash issue, openminds.tv asked Don to write us an article on the best evidence that an actual pilot of the alleged spacecraft survived.
Ever since the Roswell crash of a flying saucer with “little men” inside, one specific rumor has persisted: that one of those “little men” managed to survive the ordeal.
For most of the years since the 1947 Roswell accident and the subsequent explanation of the weather balloon, stories about Mysterious bodies associated with the accident remained, but the very notion that Earth was in fact the host of an extraterrestrial visitor alive was beyond belief. But, the question remained: Did an alien survive that unfortunate night?
Eyewitness accounts of the surviving alien
Dan Dwyer
In 1947, twelve-year-old Frankie Dwyer Rowe witnessed her father being threatened and warned by military authorities because of what she saw at the Roswell crash site. Her father, now deceased, was a crew chief for the Roswell Fire Department at the time of the incident.
When the call came in to the fire station that there had been an aircraft crash north of town, Dan Dwyer and Lee Reeves were dispatched with the station’s “tanker truck” (a van with a large cylindrical water tank in the rear) to the scene of the accident. .
The Chavez County sheriff and a couple of his deputies were also trailing behind in hot pursuit. Arriving just before the military secured the scene, Dwyer and Reeves witnessed something totally unexpected. It wasn’t a plane at all, but an egg-shaped ship of some sort they didn’t recognize.
And the bodies! Dwyer could see three tiny humanoid beings lying in the lee of the ship. With his attention riveted on the ship and the bodies on the ground, Dwyer caught movement out of the corner of his eye. There, walking in front of him, seemingly out of nowhere, was something out of a Science fiction novel.
According to the firefighter, he was about the size of a ten-year-old boy, with grayish skin, no hair, and a large head and eyes. Within moments the roar of approaching vehicles could be heard as the military finally took over the whole thing. The two firefighters were escorted out of the immediate area and warned of the consequences if they ever spoke of the incident.
To further demonstrate the seriousness of what was seen, Dwyer and his family received a visit from military police that same night at his home. Dwyer and his wife were physically threatened and told that the authorities would kill their children if they said a word about what they witnessed earlier that day.
George Wilcox
The Roswell incident left an impact on everyone involved, especially then-Roswell Sheriff George Wilcox. Just before Wilcox’s widow, Inez, passed away, she told a story to her granddaughter Barbara, who has since told her the story:
“The event shocked [George]. He didn’t want to be sheriff again after that. My grandmother said: ‘Don’t tell anyone. When the incident happened, the military police came to the jail and told George and I that if we ever told anything about the incident, they would not only kill us, but our entire family!” Barbara adds: “My grandfather called, and someone came and told him about the accident.
He went out there to the site; there was a large burned area, and she saw debris. There were four beings from space. Their heads were big. They wore suits like silk. One of the ‘little men’ was alive.” Inez Wilcox reiterated to Barbara that she and George took the threats very seriously and withheld the information from the family.
Sergeant Homer G. Rowlette
Sergeant Homer G. Rowlette, Jr., was a member of the 603rd Air Engineering Squadron RAAF in 1947. He was a career military man, retiring as a non-commissioned officer after twenty-six years of dedicated service to his country.
Before he passed away in March 1988, he finally conveyed to his son Larry the following startling information about his involvement in the “flying saucer crash.” Rowlette was part of a cleanup detail sent to the crash site north of Roswell.
Larry was told that his father had seen everything. He manipulated the “memory material,” which Homer said was “a thin sheet that held its shape.” If that wasn’t enough, he described the actual ship as being “sort of circular.” He also took his son completely by surprise when he announced: “I saw three little people. They had big heads and at least one was alive!”
Richard Loveridge
In 1947, Richard Loveridge worked as a mechanical engineer for the Boeing Aircraft Company and was part of its accident investigation team. When information came in about a plane crash outside Roswell, Loveridge drove to the area, believing it to be one of his planes. It wouldn’t be until the last year of his life in 1993 that he would finally confess to his family about the true nature of the alleged “plane crash.”
The Boeing accident investigator admitted that he “saw it all.” He saw the wreckage, which was not from a conventional aircraft, as well as three small deceased “entities” and one that was still alive. Loveridge described them as “child-sized” and “greyish” in color. He refused to give more details to his family: “Don’t ask me about this anymore. They can hurt you.
Ervin Boyd
Ervin Boyd worked as a B-29 mechanic at Roswell Army Airfield (RAAF) in 1947; he specifically worked on Hangar P3, which would later become known as Building 84. On the particular day, Boyd was taking a cigarette break on what he called a “hot summer day,” and the hangar doors were open. open on both sides. ends of the building.
As soon as he stepped out of the hangar doors, he saw a number of men and vehicles charging toward the building. Surprised by the situation, he quickly noticed that some of the men were carrying what he first thought was the body of a child. “Why didn’t they take him to the hospital?” he asked himself. As they passed him, he was surprised to see that it was something else.
“It was the size of a child, four feet, maybe a little more, and a head that was larger than a normal body. The eyes were walnut-shaped and also larger than normal. From my angle, it didn’t look like it had much of a nose. The arms were also slightly longer, and the skin was ashen, gray, and a bit scaly. I think he was still alive.”
Suddenly several officers grabbed Boyd and rushed him out of the area and began to physically rough him up. One of them said sternly: “Mr. Boyd, he didn’t see anything. But, the civilian persisted. Finally, he was warned that if he ever said another word, he would not only lose his job, but the lives of his wife and children would be at stake. It wouldn’t be until he suffered a stroke twenty-four years later that he would finally break his silence with his family.
Jose Montoya
That same afternoon, Monday, July 7, 1947, the newly elected thirty-two-year-old Lieutenant Governor of New Mexico, Joseph Montoya, was in Roswell. It is not entirely clear how the politician arrived at the RAAF base on the same day as some of the bodies, including the possible survivor of the crash.
One possible scenario is that he was there on Independence Day weekend for the unveiling of a new plane, and after the ceremony he was escorted to the B-29 hangar just as the first military vehicles were approaching with their “out of order.” service”. burden of this world.
Montoya confided to his close associates that he had seen “four little men.” He described how small they were, along with the amazing fact that “one was alive!” Montoya painted the beings as “short, they only reached my chest. [They were] skinny with large teardrop-shaped eyes. [The] mouth was very small, like a knife cut through a piece of wood, and they had big heads.”
Next, he described the scene inside the hangar. Each of the little men, including the one that was alive, was stretched out on a table brought from the dining room and prepared for that purpose. “I knew one was alive because I could hear it moan.” Montoya said he was moving, knee bent and rocking from side to side.
After a frantic exit from the hangar, his associates picked up Montoya and carried him off the base. Montoya always warned that “it is too dangerous to talk about it.” Even years later, he would continue to warn that “the government will get you.”
Eli” Benjamin
In July 1947, Eli Benjamin was a Private First Class with the 390th Air Service Squadron at Roswell Army Air Field. Possessing top-secret clearance, Private First Class Benjamin was cleared to provide security support for the most classified operations of the 509th Bomb Group, the world’s first atomic bomb wing.
In addition to his primary job of protecting B-29 bombers, one of his secondary duties was that of recovery specialist, which involved the grim activities associated with the aftermath of plane crashes.
On the morning of Monday, July 7, 1947, Benjamin returned to his headquarters after a night on watch on the flight line followed by breakfast in the mess hall. “Something’s up,” he thought to himself, as he snapped to attention and saluted with the national anthem and the morning ritual of flag-raising at the base headquarters at the southern end of the concourse.
He knew that the base commander, Colonel William Blanchard, normally held his weekly staff meetings on Tuesday mornings, but that day, Benjamin thought there were too many cars and other vehicles parked in the headquarters parking lot for a regular meeting. of personal. When Benjamin finally returned to his headquarters, “My squadron has been ordered to stand by for special tasks,” he said.
Such was life in the 509th and the Strategic Air Command and sleep after his long shift would have to remain a secondary consideration. The word finally found Benjamin: “Benjamin! Grab your weapon and report to the P-3 hangar to stand guard.
Arriving at the B-29 hangar to report to the officer in charge, Benjamin was met with a commotion at the building’s main entrance. Several MPs were trying to restrain the very officer from whom Benjamin was supposed to receive his duty instructions.
The lieutenant colonel was clearly having an emotional reaction to the current situation, which appeared to be the transfer of several gurneys to the base hospital. Another officer quickly pointed at Benjamin and ordered him to complete the task.
While he was in the process, something under one of the sheets that covered each litter seemed to move. Then, as each of the gurneys was loaded into the back of a waiting ambulance truck, a sheet fell away, revealing the grayish face and swollen, hairless head that was clearly not human.
The orders of the military police were to deliver the cargo to the emergency room of the base hospital (Building 317) and to remain there until relieved. Once at the medical center, half a dozen hospital staff and men in suits took control of a specific gurney.
All eyes were on the covered arrival as they removed the sheet from a being with an oversized head, which had large, slanted eyes, two holes for a nose, and a slit for a mouth.
For a few moments, everyone around the patient stared open-mouthed. he was alive. When the last stretchers arrived, Benjamin and the rest of the Military police were immediately fired, sent back to their squads, and sworn to secrecy. They were told that the incident never happened.
Sixty-three years after the event, the mists of time prevent Eli Benjamin from remembering the names or faces of the other men assigned to “escort duty” that day. It is quite possible that they were from other squads at the base or even from other bases brought in from outside (known as surge troops) to avoid comparing notes later.

For her part, Mrs. Benjamin confirms her husband’s account of her involvement in the Roswell events of July 1947. Furthermore, she claims that he confided the story to her with the promise that she would never I would tell no one else. Eli’s memories of that night—seeing the swollen face and slanted eyes of the “species”—stay with him and haunt him to this day.
What happened to the surviving alien?
To date, no eyewitness testimony remains as to what ultimately happened to the survivor and how he was transported from Roswell. However, there is reliable information that the being spent some time at Wright Patterson Air Force Base and was still there until nine months later in 1948.
On his deathbed in 1997, Lt. Col. Marion Magruder, a highly decorated World War II flying ace, swore to his five children that while in War College he was assigned to the Air Force Base. Wright Patterson Air Force in April 1948 and was allowed to Travel briefly. see the “alive alien” at that moment.
He and the others in his company were instructed that the being recovered from the accident in Roswell the previous year. The description of him was similar to that of all the other eyewitnesses. He stressed that there was no doubt that he “came from another planet.”
As one RAAF staffer once remarked, “They sure weren’t from Texas.” And along the same lines, they weren’t from Japan, Germany, or anywhere else on Earth. That is an issue on which all witnesses remain unanimous.
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