UFO sighting reported in Sickerville, New Jersey
A citizen of Sickerville, New Jersey spotted several objects in the sky on December 25, 2022, while taking out the trash. A pulsating item was hovering in the sky when the witness saw it, and it later turned into two flying things. The witness began filming the objects as they went back inside to get the phone.
The witness captured two more things on camera as they appeared in the sky and appeared to circle each other. Two of the items hovered while the other two disappeared into the distance, reappearing a little later to hover once more.
Things, according to the witness, were unusual and unrelated to anything they had ever seen. Some people think the objects could have been extraterrestrial spacecraft or unidentified flying objects (UFOs). However, it is challenging to determine the true nature of the items in the absence of further evidence.
The encounter was not widely publicized and is still unknown. People frequently describe seeing UFOs, however it can be challenging to pinpoint the exact source of these occurrences in the absence of hard data. Others feel that UFO sightings can be explained by natural or man-made phenomena, while some people think they are proof of alien visits. The Sickerville UFO sighting is still an interesting and intriguing incident, regardless of the cause.
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