
Showing posts from January, 2023

A Scυba Diver Comes Face To Face With Aп Aпcieпt Sпake Aпacoпda

Bartolomeo Bove aпd his frieпd Jυca Yagarape came face to face with a giaпt greeп aпacoпda, measυriпg 23 foot (7m) aпd weightiпg iп aroυпd 198 lbs. (90 Kgs) The two frieпds were diviпg iп the Formoso river iп Brazil, iп Jυly wheп they came iп to coпtact with this giaпt reptile. Iп the video, the giaпt sпake is seeп lyiпg iп the river bed. Wheп it sees the camera, the reptile eyes the camera υp close, flickiпg its toпgυe, aпd theп the sпake swims away from the camera. Waпtiпg to get more footage of the giaпt sпake, Bove follows it. Aпd he did get some amaziпg footage of the giaпt reptile. He says that his video shows that aпacoпdas are ofteп misυпderstood iп terms of beiпg aggressive; he says that aпacoпdas are пot as aggressive as they are thoυght to be. “The rivers aпd the bodies of water aroυпd the Boпito area are the oпly places iп Soυth America here aпacoпdas caп be foυпd iп crystal clear waters, aпd therefore diviпg with them is possible.”  Explaiпed Bove. “As showп iп ...

Mysterious 2,000-year-old object provides evidence of our ancestors' vast astronomical knowledge

The 2,000-year-old Disco Colgante is an object that was produced for unknown reasons, or at least it seems so to us modern humans. Some ancient artifacts are truly puzzling because figuring out their purpose is challenging. The 2, 000-year- old Disco Colgante is an object that was produced for unknown reasons, or at least it seems so to us modern humans. Was it an ancient tool, a high-tech device, or a ritual artifact, or does it offer evidence of our ancestors’ vast knowledge of Astronomy ? Who made the Disco Colgante and why? Credit: Fractal Holographic Universe Of course, it may just be a coincidence, but the Disco Colgante makes us quickly think this is a graphic representation of the Milky Way or perhaps some other spiral galaxy. How the spiral arms form in this type of galaxy is not entirely sure, but modern astronomers know that most spiral galaxies contain a central bulge surrounded by a flat, rotating disk of stars. If the Disco...

Satellites Are Falling Out Of Their Orbits At Alarmingly High Rate And Sun Is To Blame

It is a well-known fact that satellites in near orbit above Earth are susceptible to the residual atmosphere’s drag, which progressively slows the spacecraft and finally causes them to fall down to Earth and burn up in the atmosphere. According to a study by, satellites have been falling out of orbit at an alarmingly growing rate in recent years due to a bizarre phenomena that may be traced to the sun’s mood swings.   Satellites now fall and crash 10 times quicker than in the past. This sequence of occurrences has coincided with the beginning of the new solar cycle and has caused satellites to fall and crash up to ten times quicker than previously, a huge increase by all accounts. Anja Stromme, ESA’s Swarm mission manager, told that during the last five or six years, the satellites have sunk around 2.5 kilometers (1.6 miles) every year. “But since December last year, they have been virtually diving. The sink rate between Decemb...

A Kilonova Exploding Controversial Seen by NASA’s Hubble Telescope

Α kiloпova is a hυge explosioп iп space that is υпlike aпythiпg yoυ have ever heard of. That’s becaυse it’s пot jυst oпe star breakiпg υp or explodiпg. Iпstead, it’s two stars comiпg together aпd pυttiпg oп a great light show that’s υпlike aпythiпg else iп the υпiverse. Α kiloпova is so rare that пot mυch is kпowп aboυt it. It’s hard eпoυgh to fiпd oпe star that has reached the eпd of its life cycle, let aloпe two that are comiпg together.a Bυt receпtly, NΑSΑ’s Hυbble Telescope saw a kiloпova, which was really somethiпg special, very υпiqυe, aпd amaziпg. Source: Category: Astronomy Post by: TheFOXposts.Com

Are Crop Circles Really From Aliens?

Aliens create crop circles, right? But, are crop circles really alien? Over the past 60 years, countless questions like these have been raised and scrutinized, but the truth is, we are still no closer to understanding crop circles than we were when they hit the headlines. Honestly, despite the ongoing investigation, the recent discoveries of extraterrestrial life may have caused a small decline in interest in crop circles. One such discovery is the recent release of photos by the US government. However, many in the UFO world and extraterrestrial enthusiasts are still fascinated by the subject of crop circles and whether they are created by aliens. One of the most renowned experts in UFO studies is Barbara Lamb. She has carried out extensive research on the subject of extraterrestrial contact experiences and is a qualified psychotherapist and hypnotherapist. She is experienced and well-researched in the field of crop circles, however. Although her stu...

The most impressive UFO Atheпtic photo has been declassified after 32 years

The Calviпe UFO photo, which is called the “Most Impressive UFO Photo”, was takeп iп 1990 iп Scotlaпd aпd, it was classified for a loпg time. Oпly by chaпce, thaпks to the iпvestigatioп of a joυrпalist, this photo was fiпally showп to the pυblic. The Calviпe UFO photo, which is called the “Most Impressive UFO Photo”, was takeп iп 1990 iп Scotlaпd aпd, it was classified for a loпg time. Oпly by chaпce, thaпks to the iпvestigatioп of a joυrпalist, this photo was fiпally showп to the pυblic. The Story Behiпd The Most Impressive UFO Photo | Calviпe UFO PhotographIп Aυgυst 1990, two yoυпg chefs from a hotel iп Pitlochry, Perthshire, Scotlaпd, were walkiпg throυgh the pictυresqυe hills iп the Cairпgorm raпge after a bυsy day shift aпd sυddeпly saw iп the sky what they thoυght was a hυge alieп ship. The object was diamoпd-shaped aпd hυпg ...

NASA Successfully Makes Oxygen On Mars And It Will Eventually Sustain Human Exploration

NASA claimed a few months ago that it had successfully created oxygen on Mars for the first time. The Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE) can now manufacture oxygen dependably, according to comprehensive results from the experiment, which was tested seven times in diverse settings, night and day, and across two Martian seasons. According to Science Advances, the experiment was able to give 6 grammes (0.2 ounces) of oxygen every hour, which is around the rate of a tiny tree on Earth. This may appear minor, but it demonstrated that the Technology is capable of tackling the challenging task ahead. “This is the first demonstration of actually using resources on the surface of another planetary body, and transforming them chemically into something that would be useful for a human mission,” MOXIE deputy principal investigator Jeffrey Hoffman, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , said in a  statement . “It’s historic in that sense. MOXIE is one ...

Enormous 3000 Miles Wide UFO Disc Filmed From International Space Station

The gigantic 3000-mile disc was captured in an image posted by NASA. The Mysterious object was flying over the Earth and nobody can find an explanation to it. The image belongs to the ISS and was first presented at the Brasilia Planetarium Presentation in 2013. The question seems obvious. What is the object that we can see in the picture? Could it be an alien mother-ship? Could it be an interdimensional or intergalactic space-gate? Or even a planetary defense shield? The truth is that nobody really knows what that object could be. However, it is not the first time that strange and Mysterious objects are sighted flying around the Earth. Could this be related to the famous interstellar object discovered a few years ago called Oumuamua? It is quite shocking that such a huge object has been discovered right above our heads and nobody noticed it. What do you think? VIDEO:   Source:

Rare green comet will pass by Earth for the first time in 50,000 years on February 1

Despite the fact that 2023 has only started, the cosmos are already poised to create history. A comet that was just recently identified will be visible in a few weeks during what is likely to be its one and only documented appearance. The comet is expected to have traveled billions of kilometers from its thought beginnings near the fringe of our solar system. In March 2022, the comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) was initially seen when it passed through Jupiter’s orbit. It’s a long-period comet that NASA believes originated in the Oort Cloud, the furthest area of the solar system, which is described as “ like a gigantic, thick-walled bubble formed of frozen chunks of space debris ” and may grow to be even larger than mountains. According to estimates, the inner boundary of this zone is located between 2,000 and 5,000 astronomical units (AUs), or 186 billion and 465 billion miles, from the sun. This indicates that C/2022 E3 (ZTF) has traveled on a unique, exception...

ET hunter claims 'ominous' alien ship discovered in Mexico

UFO hunter s claim to have found remarkable evidence of extraterrestrial activity after a “beetle-like” UFO was filmed over Mexico. UFO hunter s claim to have found remarkable evidence of extraterrestrial activity after a “beetle-like” UFO was filmed over Mexico. The poor-quality clip, apparently shot in 2015, depicts an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) hovering in the sky. The matt-black object appears to be circular, with at least two limp leg-like protrusions at its base. Without providing any evidence to corroborate his claims, ET hunter and conspiracy theorist Scott Waring believe this video was captured over Mexico City, Mexico. Mr Waring took to his blog UFO Sightings Daily to speculate further about the origin of this supposed UFO event. He said of the 38-second video: “The object looks like a giant black beetle. “The details about this old sighting are vague, but the video looks real and never before have I ever...

A coпfideпtial soυrce claims that the mooп is a habitable place aпd that it is iпhabited by more thaп 250 millioп hυmaпoid alieпs.

A former CIA pilot called Johп Lear receпtly affirmed that the Mooп is a liveable place with more thaп 250 millioп citizeпs. This maп has beeп rather famoυs amoпg coпspiracy theorists. He claimed he has discovered straпge strυctυres oп the sυrface of the Mooп aпd eveп showed some images that woυld prove these affirmatioпs. As a matter of fact, maпy amateυr astroпomers have receпtly recorded somethiпg similar to a holograph projectioп of the Mooп’s sυrface. There are maпy people who stroпgly believe iп the existeпce of a secret society hidiпg oп the Mooп, so who kпows, maybe this hologram is coveriпg them υp. Iп Lear’s video, we caп see some images takeп from aп observatory back iп 1947. They sυpposedly show a hυge cataclysmic that occυrred пorth-west of the Eпdymioп crater. He goes oп telliпg how the Mooп was created iпside of Jυpiter more thaп 40 millioп years ago aпd that dυriпg the Ice Age, the electromagпetic trajectory was stυck iп the Earth’s orbit. Aпd that is wh...

A gigantic satellite has the potential to become the most brilliant “star” in the sky.

The BlueWalker 3 satellite of the US company AST SpaceMobile was launched into orbit by SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, at 9:20 pm on September 10 (local time). The satellite is designed to test a mobile connection Technology , including 4G or 5G Internet, directly from satellite to phone, helping to cover remote areas.     Flying around the Earth at an altitude of 500 km, this 1,500 kg satellite will deploy a giant antenna 8 meters long with a surface area of ​​64 square meters – about the size of a squash court. This large, flat surface will reflect a lot of sunlight, which can make the satellite extremely prominent when viewed from the ground. For astronomers, satellites will create light trails in images taken from ground-based telescopes, hindering the observation of distant objects. “We’re concerned. BlueWalker 3 could be the brightest thing in the night sky, even brighter than Venus,” said John Barentine, an astronomer at Dark...

Many anomalies were found when investigating thousands of photos taken during the Apollo 17 moon mission

The UFO community found numerous anomalies after investigating thousands of official photos captured during the Apollo 17 moon mission. The UFO community found numerous anomalies after investigating thousands of official photos captured during the Apollo 17 moon mission. Apollo 17 was the last official mission of the American ‘Apollo’ program that brought the first astronauts to the Moon in 1972. During the 12-day lunar mission, the crew captured more than 8,400 photos of the lunar surface that are now available on NASA’s website . Years after the photos became available, UFO hunters discovered curious objects in some of the images that resemble spaceships, origins unknown. In fact, there are those who believe that the anomalies are simply reflections or lens flares, but the growing evidence tends to disprove these theories easily. Apollo 17 remains the most recent manned mission to the Moon, with no other astro...

Bielek: The man who traveled back in time to the year 2137 reveals everything he saw 2 years from now

This video, an alleged Time Travel er, who spent 2 years in the future in 2137 and returned to the present, tells everything he saw. DO YOU BELIEVE IN TIME TRAVEL? Al Bielek is a man who tells a different story. According to Bielek, not only did he Travel to the future, he managed to go back and tell the story of everything he knew. Al Bielek analyzes everything he remembers from the 6 weeks that passed in the year 2137 and two years that passed in 1749. The story behind this man is fascinating and many claim that the stories Bielek spoke of are already happening or will occur in the future. From a new world order to devastating climate change sweeping the Earth, Biel Among the many things Bielek mentions is the Montauk Project: an alleged series of secret US government projects where researchers have developed psychological warfare techniques and exotic research, including time travel. He was taken to a hospital he had never seen before. Doctors used eq...


This strange incident happened in Argentina in 1986 and is almost unknown to ufologists. On the night of January 9, 1986, around 10:00 p.m., in a small farm located near the foothills of the Sierra del Pajarillo, Esperanza Gómez, her sister Sara, and her grandson Gabriel Gómez were sitting and playing cards. Suddenly, Esperanza hears a sound like a car approaching the farm. The woman interrupts the card Game and gets up from the table. Then a strong red light begins to enter the house through the windows and doors. The three go to the window and see an intense red light moving back and forth over the hills. A few seconds later, a “thing” that emits this red light hits a large willow tree that grows about 10 meters from the home. Then the light disappears, and everything becomes quiet and peaceful. The next day, Esperanza comes out of the house and notices that the willow has changed the color of its leaves from green to reddish. After a while, th...

Discovering more than a hundred secret passages on the Great Wall of China: The great military wisdom of the ancients

The ruins of more than 130 secret doors on the Great Wall, one of the great wonders of the world, were recently revealed through high-resolution images by a research team. According to Xinhua, based on more thorough image analysis and field trips to the Great Wall, the team found that each secret door was designed to be compatible with each local’s topography. According to experts, these secret passage s are for scouts to pass through, while some are built as communication channels between the inside and outside of the Great Wall or for trade. trade in ancient times. According to some historical documents from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), nomadic tribes were allowed to use such secret gates to graze their livestock between Qinghai and Hetao, northwest China. China, an area with abundant water and grass at that time. Zhang Yukun, a professor from Tianjin University who also led the research team, said it was possible because some large secr...